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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September Goals.

I love goals. I love envisioning the completion of my goals. It gives me a thrill to put pen to paper and write out a "plan of attack" so to speak. I am a planner through and through. For the month of September I decided it might be kinda fun, and a form of accountability, to write out some goals. I've seen many other bloggers I follow do this and it always seemed like a great idea. And hey, I'm a blogger now! So here they are in all their glory. 

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1. Complete Kayla Itsines BBG Guide 1.0 - Kayla, ever heard of her? She is one tough cookie of a trainer. After doing the workouts on and off for the past year, I'm excited to commit to doing her guide throughout this month and into October!

2. Bible reading, devotion, and prayer FIRST thing in the morning - My sinful flesh has me skipping on these things or putting them off. I pray that God will give me the ability to make this the very first thing I do every single day.

3. Stretch after every workout and 10 minutes in the evening - I'm that person who skips out on stretching after their workouts (cringe face). Yeah, I know, not the smartest choice! But here it is, number three on my goal list! I also have this desire to be someone who can do the splits. I went to a couple of Pure Barre classes in town (so challenging! I highly recommend it) and I watched all of these women in the class go down into the splits! Let's just say I was SUPER inspired (and felt the competitive desire...) to be able to do the same. Stretching and having muscle flexibility will also be so very important for injury prevention an recovery while doing Kayla Itsines workout guide.

4. Put 2 hours a day into my 90 Day Game Plan - For the next 90 days 2 hours of my day will be solely focused on helping people gain their best health, share their story with others, and make every day a day to live out their dreams. I am BEYOND pumped for these next 90 days of business building and personal growth!

5. Finish a bookI have a track record for starting a book and never finishing it (ask Josh). Anyone else have this same problem!? Well that stops now. September is the month I'll finish a book cover to cover! I'm thinking Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional by Eric Worre. It's short, informative, fits well with my 90 DGP, and is totally doable for the next 4 weeks. 

6. Plan intentional time with Josh - Since being in Michigan Josh and I actually see each other quite a bit throughout the day. Our schedules as of right now line up nicely that way. It's very much a welcomed change compared to our packed schedules in Milwaukee. Although it's great to see each other, we may take this for granted and not spend as much intentional and focused time with one another like we should. I think some out of our apartment date nights are in order!

I'll keep it short and sweet for September. Six goals seem just right.

So let's do this September! I'm glad you're here.


  1. Great goals! I'm hoping to finish a personal development book every two weeks during this 90 days. Let's share recommendations!

    1. that's a really good idea! I think "Go Pro" will be a fairly quick read! I'll have to compile a list of others...I know there have been ones in the past I've wanted to read!

  2. Love number 6! Randy and I have the same problem! We actually started a sticker chart and it going great! Lol!

    1. Okay, that is awesome! It always works well to have something that is visible as a reminder!! You should message me a picture of it ;)


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