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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Goodbye twenty-three; Hello twenty-four.

On October 29, 1991 the world received another almost perfect child...ha! Probably not so perfect, but God decided my time on earth was going to begin. He also chose some amazing parents to take care of me (love ya mom + dad). I was 10 pounds and 22 inches of pure huge baby goodness.

(Side note: Josh was 9 pounds when born. Lord, please have mercy on me in my future childbirths...)


Today marks the beginning of year twenty-four!
To say that God has immensely blessed me would even be an understatement.

The other day I was searching through our "catch all" dresser in our kitchen and came across all of the pictures from this past year that I had printed. Since buying overpriced picture albums or frames to put them in is not a priority right now, I decided to tac them on to the humongous and completely empty cork board that Josh has in his office so that we could see them everyday.

As I finished hanging them up, I stepped back to look at them all. I couldn't help but think what an amazing year and 10 months of adventures Josh and I have had.

We married in January 2014, moved to Brookings, SD for 7 months, moved to Milwaukee, WI, I started my first teaching job, we celebrated our first anniversary, went on a trip to Ann Arbor, MI and Washington D.C., Josh graduated from Seminary, we road tripped out to the Grand Tetons in WY, and then made our third move of our marriage to Saginaw, MI for Josh's first call. WOW. Most of those things were the exciting and fun happenings of year twenty-three.

What an amazing life my God has laid out for me so far. I am beyond excited to see what another year in His grace has in store for me.

So here's to you, year twenty-three. You were filled with all kinds of fun + adventure! xoxoxxxx

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Becoming Healthy - A Nutritional System.

On July 13th 2015 I made a decision to try something that I was convinced I would never try.
I had been approached in the past about a “nutritional cleansing program.” I quickly said, "no that’s just not for me." I had told close friends and family numerous times that this wasn’t something I was ever going to be interested in. I had a very negative perception, and even mocked this opportunity more than once.

Despite all of my doubts, I decided to put aside pride and contact an acquaintance of mine to ask her about the health supplements she was using. I told her,“I’m at a point where I just need a change. I want to see if these products can help me.”

I have often felt guilty about my roller coaster of success and failure when it comes to my physical health. I’ve tried numerous different “programs” and “systems” but never found something that fit very well. I knew a long list of people who used these supplements, lost weight, and have kept it off. That's what I wanted! So I stopped laughing at the opportunity and decided to give it a try. I mean, what could it hurt?
I gave the “30 day cleansing and fat burning system” a go. Each day I replaced 2 of my meals with nutrient packed and delicious meal replacement shakes. Four days out of the month I took food out of the equation and cleansed my body of toxins, and filled it with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

After 30 days, I felt amazing. My clothes fit better, my acne prone skin was clearing up, I felt more energetic, and the healthier version of myself was coming back. The system is simple, convenient, and puts a needed emphasis on nutrition. I LOVE the taste of the shakes, how they keep me full, and the vitamins and minerals they give me. Funny as it sounds, I actually ENJOY cleansing. I feel totally different afterwards, and in a good way! I didn’t feel burnt out from measuring portions, counting calories, feeling unsatisfied from a "meal replacement" shake, doing the same workouts over and over again, or feeling restricted in my food choices. I felt like I could truly keep following this type of eating. I was experiencing a lifestyle nutritional system.

The best part was that it wasn’t just a 30 day system for me. I gained a system that I could continue to use. I had found nutritional tools to assist me in my journey to find health. My journey from an unhealthy skeptic, to a believing lifestyle minded eater is a continual process of growth and learning. But I am excited to say I have the best nutritional system possible to help me on this journey.

While nutrition is important, there are still more essential elements to explore in order to become the healthiest version of myself. I have more thoughts to share with you about health and wellness, so stay tuned for a part 2: Becoming Healthy - Mindset.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Saturday in Ann Arbor.

When Josh and I found out we were moving to Saginaw, MI for his first call, one of the first things we unashamedly thought about was how many Michigan sporting events we would plan on attending. 

While we may be from Wisconsin (GO Packers, Brewers, and Bucks!) Josh was born, and lived for a period of time in a small town outside of Saginaw. His brother Aaron, being 10 years older than him, spent all of his childhood in Michigan. The influence of his Michigan sports loving older brother rubbed off on Josh when it came to the Michigan Wolverines. Especially Michigan Football ( I hear they were really pretty great at one point... ;) )

One of the first Saturdays I ever spent with Josh was in his college dorm room watching a Michigan Football game. There was no talking; It was all serious intensity. Our relationship didn't necessarily grow that Saturday. Although I did learn a whooooole new side to this guy. Folks, he is a fanatic...

Not being a completely loyal or die hard "Bucky Fan." I was, over time, converted to a Michigan fan. And so began the accumulation of Michigan apparel, support of my husbands up and down emotions on a Saturday afternoon, and understanding that "mgoblueblog" HAD to be downloaded and read occasionally somewhat continually on his phone.

Two weekends ago we took a trip down to Ann Arbor for the Homecoming game against Northwestern. Even Josh's brother Aaron and his wife Jill joined us. We were pretty psyched about the amazing weather, opening kick-off drive for a touchdown, and a Michigan win! 

Now about the game last weekend....let's let that one be in the past.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Welcome, October.

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Oh October. How do I possibly express with words the feelings and warm thoughts I have for this month? It truly is the best. Ever since I was a young girl I can remember being excited about this month. For one obvious reason, it's my birthday month! But for other reasons that are just so hard to describe! 

I think my mom really instilled in me a love and joy for this fall season. She would be the first one to take me to the apple orchard, teach me what "baking apples" were the best to use, make my all time favorite apple crisp, buy pumpkins and mums for our front porch, decorate our home for the season, lite candles that smelled of cinnamon and spice, and take us for fall drives along Wisconsin country roads. She was (and still is) one great mom for doing these simple "fall" things with me.

Along with a new month (the BEST month!) comes new goals. In September I wrote and shared some goals with you. I would like to share how those goals are coming along! I gotta admit. Some of them have been successful, others have not. That's life. That's being human. I'm a work in progress every day.

September goals:

Complete Kayla Itsines BBG Guide 1.0
I can happily say I am on WEEK 6! There have been weeks of missed workouts, resulting in these progressing weeks being a bit hard, but I am committed to stick with it! Half way there, I can do it.

2. Bible reading, devotion, and prayer FIRST thing in the morning
This is the HARDEST one to admit to not being as faithful with. I have excuses as to why it doesn't always happen, but they really aren't worth mentioning. Excuses only give you reason to keep going in the pattern you are in. While I've been doing these things daily, they are a bit haphazard and not given full attention and focus. Could you pray for me? Pray that I find the focus, attention, and downtime to fully focus on God's word and spending time in prayer.

3. Stretch after every workout for 10 minutes in the evening.
This has been done much more than it used to! Baby steps are happening! I found this great website, Do Yoga With Me. There are numerous and FREE online yoga videos for all different levels. I'm all about using free and in my living room resources when it comes to workouts. If you're interested in yoga and flexibility ( you should be ;) ) check this website out!

4. Put 2 hours a day into my 90 Day Game Plan.
Starting an at home network marketing business is tough work friends! It's a lot of trial and error in the beginning. While I've devoted 2 hours, and usually more each day to grow my business, it takes learning balance. I'm still figuring out my "office hours"

5. Finish a book
Friends, I told you I'm bad at this!! This goal will be moving into the October goals...

6. Plan intentional time with Josh
I really believe we've done a good job with this. The other night we set aside time to watch a movie together, we take 20 minutes to talk to each other after I get home from school, we've gone on movie and dinner dates. It's been a great month of dating my husband and spending intentional time together!

Now for October's goals:

1. Finish a book
I'm going to do it! I've gotten about a quarter of the way through the book I wanted to read in September. I plan to set aside 20 minutes of each day to read. 20 minutes is NOT a long time. I can sit and be still for that amount of time...I think! 

2. Do yoga 3 times a week
I have always been interested in yoga and being flexible. But I'm such a mover and "I need to sweat" workout person. I think it's time to slow down, and treat my body with gentle and flexibility producing exercises.

3. Continue doing and being more consistent with the Kayla Itsines BBG Guide 1.0
I plan to be on week 10 by the end of the month! I'm hoping to not miss any days so as to feel strong and confident in the exercises I am doing by week 10. These workouts are no joke!

4. Set up and follow specific "office" times
With a varying work schedule, this is tough! Yes, there might be a phone call to set up or a message to respond to at random times, but I plan to have my "in the office" completely focused work time be from 7-9 pm every evening. When I have mornings off the time will be from 9-11 am, and if there is an afternoon available 1-3 pm.

5. Go to the apple orchard, buy baking apples, and make my mom's absolute best apple crisp
This one is self explanatory. It's not October, or my favorite month without a trip to an apple orchard and making apple crisp. There will obviously need to be a blog post about this goal...

6. A month without buying new clothes or coffee shop coffee
Josh and I are really trying to find ways to live within our means and cut out unneeded expenses. It might be a bit shocking and embarrassing to look and see how much money we could have saved in the last month if coffee was not bought or clothes left on the rack. I have clothes in my closet and coffee grounds on my counter. The Lord has given me all the things I need and wants me to be a steward of those things. So farewell holiday cups and new booties. Maybe I'll see you for Christmas :)

Happy October, friends. I hope you've also set up goals for yourself to help you truly make this THE best month.