I shared my January and yearly goals last week, (here) and one of my yearly goals was to "Find my worth + Joy in Jesus." I also listed action steps that would help me reach this goal. One of these steps was to go on a week long "social media break" when I feel it's necessary. When I find myself consumed by Instagram likes and Facebook posts. When I play the comparison game, more than being joyful and content. When I flee from my sadness, boredom, or loneliness, to these social media platforms instead of God's word. Those are the times that a break from social media will be needed.
I got this idea from Pastor Mike Novotny, who is the pastor at The Core in Appleton, WI. Pastor Novotny did a sermon series called iGod. During this three part series he talks about how we so often let technology get in the way of our relationship with Jesus. His purpose for his sermons, he said, was: that our goal be to find our name, our rest, and our focus in God, and not in a gadget.

On paper our worth seems great.
If you look at your social media accounts you will find hundreds of likes, comments, shares, and followers. With so much positive attention, it seems we should be filled up with gigabyte after gigabyte of love and acceptance. With all of this love it seems as though someone could criticize, and it wouldn't bother us. God wired us to feel worth, love, and importance. We desire these feelings, and go to many different outlets to find it. But the truth is that Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter fail us. Even among all of our friends and likes, we still at times feel distant and lonely. We fight to be included, to see if people care, or if anyone is listening.
We're like the people in the Genesis 11 story, The Tower of Babel. These people thought building a tower so high that it reached the heavens would give them a name. They thought they could make bricks stronger, use the advanced technology of their time, beat the competition, and reach the heavens! If you look at Genesis 11, you'll see that the people mentioned themselves 5 times, and God zero! Instead of looking to God for their worth and strength, they looked inwardly to themselves. When people turn inward, and forget about God, that's when all types of ugliness happens.
If you know this Bible story, you know that God spared His people from making a name for themselves. He changed their speech, they were unable to communicate, and they were scattered. But even in their trial, they were saved. They were saved from the evil of inward motivated hearts.
Friends, we are so often like the people building the Tower of Babel. We strive, sacrifice, push God to the side, and build up our own lives so high in order for others to recognize us, to appreciate us, and tell us we matter. The reality is that a name for yourself will always and at some point come crashing down. If you have to point to something that you did to prove that you matter or have value, it will fail.
But here's the fantastic news. We do not need to find a name for ourselves, because God has already given us a name! He allows us to take a name from His Holy Word. Matthew 28 tells us this:
"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
Through our baptism God has given us the name of all names, a name that no one can take away. He has given us His own name. He has graciously given us the righteousness won for us on the cross. So even when social media causes us to feel judged, inadequate, jealous, comparing, or lacking joy, we can know that God has already named us. We do not need to search for one in our posts, comments, likes, re-tweets, pins, or followers.
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation."
2 Corinthians 5:17
I highly recommend listening to Pastor Novotny's sermon series, iGod. It gave me a proper mindset and applicable action goals to help me accomplish my goal of finding worth in Jesus. Before you head on over and listen to the inspiring words of Pastor, here are some action steps that I am taking to not let social media steal my joy. My hope + prayer is that some of these things inspire you to take action towards a better relationship with Jesus over a digital relationship.
1. Be in The Word
"For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope." Romans 15:4
"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." John 15:7
The Bible was given to us not as a decoration on our coffee tables, but to be used, studied, meditated on, and put into practice. The Word of God is powerful. It has the power to not only create faith, but to increase faith. Struggling with comparison + unworthiness? Turn to God's word. Thinking you are a failure? Turn to God's word. Overwhelmed with the expectations and standards life gives you? Turn to God's word. Consumed with self-doubt and negative self-talk? Turn to God's word. In all things turn to him, flee to him instead of social media. He promises to give you so much more than what the world can give.
2. Find the names God has given us in the book of Ephesians
I gained this advice in the first sermon from iGod. Pastor Novotny recommends to do this while participating in a "social media break," but of course anytime is a good time! (I forgot to do it last week, so I'm doing it this week!) So go ahead, open up Ephesians, search the word, discover all of the beautiful, hopeful, loving, gracious, and righteous names that the Lord has given to believers. You have all of these names, dear friend. There is no need to seek one on the internet.
3. Before posting on social media, ask yourself these 3 questions.
Is this post for...
1. God's Glory? Are you pointing others to him, sharing his word, or professing your faith with your post?
2. Other's good? Are you giving positive advice or encouraging words?
3. My name? Are you trying to prove your worth, make a name for yourself, find likes and loving comments, or feel included?
Before I post, I ask myself these questions in order to find the true meaning behind it. Behind this picture + caption what is my heart really saying? What am I truly desiring? Often times our posts can be a mix of these things, or all three of them at once. That's normal. My goal is that I recognize the possible prominence of number 3, and reevaluate what I truly need in my life. It's likely I do not need social media, but more Jesus.
4. Identify your bad motives
Do you suffer from any of these?
Living a lie online: Honesty alert...I suffer from this at times. Do you as well? Before you post that photo or comment, ask yourself: Is this truly me? Would I say this in person to my friend? It's so easy to get caught up in the perfectly thought out words + images. But God wants you to be you, even while online! And just remember, when comparison creeps in, you may really be comparing yourself to another persons "lie."
Suffering from "digital obsessive compulsive disorder": Guilty again (insert hand raising emoji). Whether it's standing in line, waiting for your food to heat up, at the stop light....we all do it. It's almost as if we do not know what to do with our hands and eyes without our devices. But here's a thought, when picking up your phone to mindlessly scroll, are you really searching for something else? Searching for a better conversation, a prettier reality, importance, or identity? Think about it. Find out what you are truly looking for, and then go and do that.
Suffering from "digital obsessive comparison disorder": Social media often causes us to feel "less than blessed." We see the perfectly curated images on our screens, and then are disappointed in the images of our realities. It's time to stop. It's time to be grateful. It's time to find joy solely in the identity of being a Child of God. Ask yourself, can you look at people's blessings online, and still be content with your own? Because odds are you have a ridiculous amount of blessings, and it's time to rejoice in them.
Fleeing to Facebook, instead of the Faithbook: When you're feeling lonely, bored, or sad, where do you go? Is it to Facebook, or the Faithbook? The Lord asks us to "call upon Him in the day of trouble," and to "Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." Let's work on listening to the true feelings of our hearts, and flee to the one who truly knows our hearts and can fix them.
It's simple, it can be done wherever, at any time of day, for a long or short amount of time. The best part...IT WORKS. God has given us a beautiful gift in prayer. Use it, and see how God answers. If you want or need something, you must ask. If you are dealing with certain struggles, you must seek help. Turn to the Great Physician, who hears our struggles, answers our prayers, and helps us in times of need.
These are 5 ways that I am taking action and finding my worth in my Savior. Is this something you may need to work on too? I know I'm not alone. What are some other ways that you use social media, while still finding your name in Jesus? Help a sister out! I could always use a little extra encouragement :)
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