It's a handful of days into November, but I'm still committing to sharing my November Goals. Better late than never? We'll go with that!
To be completely honest, I wanted to skip this month. I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep up with blogging about goals or talking about my success and failures when it came to achieving them. I just didn't know if it was something I wanted for this blog. I liked the idea, but just didn't feel passionate about it.
But I've realized that I am choosing to think of goal writing as a negative obligation. I am choosing to feel insecure or uncomfortable about sharing failures that I have month to month. I'm choosing to think of it as an uncomfortable thing to write about.
But what if I started choosing to think positively about the opportunity to blog about my goals? What were my reasons to start in the first place?
To actually write out and have monthly goals so I can be actively growing and improving myself.
I saw other bloggers do it, and enjoyed reading their posts.
So I could be held accountable to completing the goals I set.
A theme for this blog is encouragement, and I wanted to encourage others to write monthly goals.
I also got a slight "kick in the pants" by a blogger who I have followed since I first started reading blogs back in college. Nicole is an enormously lovely woman who fiercely loves Jesus, her husband, and has a huge heart for ministry and building women up through her words. She is one of the original bloggers that inspired me to post about monthly goals. I was over at her blog today, and saw how faithful (my word for the year) she was with posting about her goals month to month. I loved and admired her honesty, and felt "not so alone" when she was open and honest about not accomplishing a goal. THANK YOU, Nicole for being so real. If you do not read her blog, please do yourself a favor and start :)
I'm so thankful for a community of bloggers who work to support and encourage others (even if they are unaware they are doing it) through their hearts being put into words.
October Goals
1. Finish a book
Thank you Jesus for giving me the ability to commit to reading a book. Truly, it is such a struggle of mine. I always put off, or don't give priority to reading. It's something I'm working on. I finished "Go Pro" by David Worre this month.
2. Do Yoga 3 times a week
This one started off strong, but then I began slacking a bit towards the end of October, beginning of November. I totally felt the difference when I stopped! I love the feeling of lengthening + strengthening when I practice it consistently.
3. Continue doing and being more consistent with the Kayla Itsines BBG Guide 1.0
I stopped doing this workout guide. Not because of a bad experience. I've used these workouts for over a year now. It's simply because I've learned that I am a person who thrives off of variety in my workouts. I just can't do 1 type of exercise for 3 months. Just can't. I do plan on sharing more thoughts about this in another post!
4. Set up and follow specific office times
Still working on that one...but I'm finding that since my schedule is so shifting, it's easier to schedule times day by day.
5. Go to the apple orchard, buy baking apples, and make my mom's apple crisp
Of course I did this one! And it was even sweeter because I was able to do it with my mom while she was here visiting. I documented some pictures from the day on my instagram.
6. A month without buying new clothes or coffee shop coffee
I'm almost positive I was successful. I definitely did not buy any clothes (except when I used some birthday money and gift cards at the end of the month!) And I say I'm "almost" positive because there may have been a time or two that Josh and I were out of town, or when our parents were visiting that we did get coffee. My main purpose with this goal was for me personally. I wanted to stop getting coffee when I was out running errands. I'm a sucker for the experience. Holding a coffee cup in your hand, or sitting in a coffee shop and reading while enjoying your cup, nothing beats it! But the price tag just didn't work with our budget. All in all, a successful month of no extra clothes or coffee spending :)
November Goals
1. Read "The Power of Full Engagement" by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
A book that Josh swears by, and that I have read to page 60 about three times...I know I will enjoy it and it will be beneficial to me and my productivity.
2. Finish studying the book of Romans
I plan on reading a chapter a day. I'm going slower through this book because I am reading "The People's Bible" along with it. It's such a great way to not only read the Bible, but truly study and understand it. There's only 16 chapters, so I should be able to finish by the end of the month.
3. Do Yoga 3 times a week (at least)
4. Blog more consistently
I'm not sure exactly what "consistently" means quite yet. I'm not going to set a number of posts a week or month to it. But this weekend I plan to write out and organize post ideas, and start tentatively scheduling them. While I'm not going to get all bent out of shape if I don't post regularly, I do want this space to be visited and written in more often. Here's to more blogging through the end of the year!
5. Being intentional about social media
I actually spent a week in October social media FREE. I uninstalled all of my social media apps. It helped SO much, and I felt like I had my priorities straight after some time away. I could see doing this again if I find myself spending too much time online.
When I am on social media, I so often catch myself absentmindedly scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, or blogs, without actually connecting and communicating with people. Isn't that the point of it? When I do decide to spend time on those spaces, I want to make my time beneficial, connecting and giving encouragement to others.
6. Drink 90 ounces of water a day
Friends, I am HORRIBLE about drinking water. It's actually pretty bad how little I drink. It is so essential for our bodies, and being passionate about taking steps towards a healthier me, I want to make this a priority this month.
I would love to hear your goals for the month. Feel free to share below! :)
Rachel, I can relate to so many of these goals. Approaching our days, weeks, and months with intention is so important, so that we may engage in the different aspects of life without guilt - relationship building, work, health, personal development. I find when I'm more intentional, I am also more present.