There's laundry to be done, Thanksgiving travel suitcases yet to unpack, a bathroom to clean, groceries to be bought, and numerous other housekeeping things to complete. But I found this scene much needed before all of that happens:
Our little apartment is decorated with Christmas goodness. The tree is lit, stockings hung, seasonal music playing, and I'm choosing to write out my goals for the last month of the year.
I may have other tasks to complete, but this just felt right. Preparing myself for the month ahead, holding myself accountable to goal setting, and taking a moment to enjoy something I love, it needed to take precedence.
For the month of December, I want to have that mindset. I want to make sure I'm doing the things that feel most important, and give me fulfillment. I want to slow down in a season + month that is often so busy. I want to set my heart and mind on the Savior that God sent us on that first Noel. I want to end the year rejuvenated. I want to start living out my dreams and accomplishing goals now, not wait until January 1st.
So welcome December. I am so excited to see all the love, excitement, renewal, family, fellowship, and enjoyment you have waiting for me.
Okay. Let's talk goals!
November Goals
1. Read "The Power of Full Engagement" by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
I didn't finish it, but I am about half way through. I'm loving what I am reading and learning from this book so far, and would recommend it to anyone who is lacking energy in any part of their life!
2. Finish studying the book of Romans
Oh goodness, how I wish I could say I finished. I struggled to keep up with my study of Romans. Often times it would take longer than I expected to get through even just one chapter! I have to admit, I got a little upset that I wasn't able to study it more efficiently or quickly. I'm hoping to show myself more grace in reading this month, and to stay committed, even in frustration.
3. Do yoga 3 times a week
This one wasn't so great. The first week of November I was very consistent, but then dropped off. I'm looking to work on this again in December.
4. Blog more consistently
I'm counting this one as a win! I believe I had 4 posts. I'm hoping to do more in December and in the coming year. But like I've said before, I'm definitely not putting pressure on myself to write a certain amount of posts each week, or month. I want this blog to be a space of posts that I want to write, and feel inspired to write. Not an obligation.
5. Being intentional about social media
I loved this goal. I really focused on commenting + connecting with those I follow on social media. It made the hobby of checking my feeds way less "mindless" and much more beneficial. I hope to continue putting an effort into this.
6. Drink 90 ounces of water a day
While I do not believe I got 90 ounces everyday. I did consume this much water most days, and my water intake has improved drastically.
December Goals
1. Complete my "Core 4" everyday
I wanted to simplify my daily priorities for this month. I came up with the "Core 4."
- Having 2 meal replacement shakes each day (so convenient, delicious, and healthy!)
- Exercising 5 days a week
- Bible reading everyday
- Personal Development everyday (reading, listening to podcasts, etc.)
All four of these things take care of my daily physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. I can get so caught up in trying to accomplish wayyyy too many tasks during the day, and often disregard the most important things. I have these 4 things on a calendar each day that I can mark off and have a visual reminder if they were done or not.
2. Use the She Reads Truth Advent devotional
I love how easy it is to focus on the Advent season with the SRT app!
3. Plan out + write more than 3 blog posts
There's still so much more I want to share on this space. I plan to set aside time a few days a week to write.
4. Continue being intentional on social media
When it comes to connecting with others AND my time spent on each platform. I really want my evenings to be limited, or even free of social media. From 7-10 pm, I plan to put my phone on silent (any calls or texts can wait), and in a different room.
In the spirit of simplifying + slowing down this month, I'm going to leave it at 4 goals. I'm feeling a sense of excitement and contentment with just these. I pray that you too, have a simple, fulfilling + slow (as much as possible ;) ) December and years end.
Okay, I love all these goals! Especially social media + SRT!!! :)